Support Coordination

In 2007, eitas was approached by the Department of Mental Health Developmental Disabilities Division to engage in a dialogue about the provision of Support Coordination (case management) in Jackson County. There was a hiring freeze for state departments and caseloads were getting severely overcrowded in the Kansas City region. Eitas, along with many other SB40 Boards across Missouri, was asked if we would be interested in starting to do support coordination for residents of Jackson County with developmental disabilities – a move that would help alleviate the high caseloads, give citizens another choice for services, and allow for any Medicaid dollars earned by eitas to stay in Jackson County.

Eitas agreed to contract with the DMH to perform those services and the program has grown dramatically since then. Eitas keeps our caseloads low, less than 40 individuals per Support Coordinator, and our expectations high. At present, we are serving around 1,700 individuals in Jackson County and we have generated over $4 million that has stayed in Jackson County and went into expanding services and opportunities for Jackson County citizens – such as the Partnership for Hope Medicaid waiver.
